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“How to Donate Complex Assets,” Kiplinger Retirement Report, March 2015
“How to Donate Bitcoin to Charity and Get a Big Tax Deduction,” Forbes.com, December 22, 2014
“Donate Life Insurance to a Charity or College,” Kiplinger, May, 2014
“Generous Tax Tricks,” Forbes, December 16, 2013
“A Good Time to Give To Family and Charity,” Kiplinger, December 2012
“How HNW Charitable Giving Is Changing,” Registered Rep, December 21, 2011
“Keep the Stock, Donate the Beans (As donors try to stay liquid, they look for strategies to give away other types of assets),” The Wall Street Journal, November 28, 2011
“How To Give Like Mark Zuckerberg,” Forbes, December 6, 2010
“A Georgia Charity Accepts ‘Weird’ Gifts Contributed to Donor-Advised Funds,” Chronicle of Philanthropy, July 11, 2010
“Giving to Charity, Through Real Estate,” The New York Times, November 2007
“Beyond the Gift of Cold, Hard Cash,” The New York Times, November 2007
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