Bequests Gone Wild: Recent Case Studies You Can’t Make Up!

“Estate administration is a lot like a kindergarten class… if the teacher isn’t in the room, things go south quickly!”
Bequests have always been the most popular form of planned gift, but many charities think they have crossed the goal line when they receive a gift notification from the Executor/Personal Representative/Trustee. Often, that is just the starting point so monitoring your organization’s matured bequests is crucial. Not only does it ensure that your donor’s wishes are honored, but it safeguards your bequest and ensures that the funds actually make it to your organization as the donor intended.
During this webinar, Lindy Nash, Managing Attorney with Chisolm, Chisolm & Kirkpatrick, LTD (CCK) in Bequest Management will explore several recent legal case studies that all touch on an aspect of estate and trust administration. These cases hail from Courts all across the country and the holdings may dictate how you handle a matured bequest in the future. Some of these cases will surprise you!
Attendees will learn:
- About topics like gifts of real estate and in terrorem (no contest) clauses
- If a will can be partially valid
- Impact of more TOD/POD accounts
- Best/Common recommended practices for bequest management
Please join Lindy Nash, Managing Attorney, Chisolm, Chisolm & Kirkpatrick, LTD (CCK) in Bequest Management and Bryan Clontz, Ph.D., CFP®, AEP®, CAP® on August 27th & 29th by registering below.