CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES 101 – What they are, where they fit and how to get more …with no risk!

Gift annuities (CGAs) have existed in the US for more than 150 years (and in Europe since the Middle Ages)! While they are the most popular form of life income gift by far, many fundraisers and professional advisors receive little to no formal education about what they are and how they work.  For donors, CGAs represent a simple contractual guaranty of fixed life-time payments.  For charities issuing CGAs directly, they may create numerous management challenges, such as:


  1. State registration requirements,
  2. Accounting and
  3. Long-term obligations of providing payments to donors and potential exhaustion risk (if donors live beyond life expectancy or investments have poor returns or timing).

Because of these issues, some choose to outsource these functions to national, regional, or local foundations, OR to partners like our National Gift Annuity Foundation (NGAF).  While a recent study clearly found the United States has a 100% mortality rate (not sure of other countries), the best way to live forever is to have a gift annuity.  So, who wouldn’t want to guide your donors/clients to the Fountain of Youth!

In our September webinar session, participants will learn:

  • How gift annuities work – soup to nuts
  • How National Gift Annuity Foundation provides a no-risk CGA solution for charities
  • What assets can be used to fund a CGA
  • How to find CGA opportunities starting TODAY
  • How to use additional, free resources you can use TODAY
  • How the ACGA (American Council on Gift Annuities) recommends rates
  • About actuarial studies that find gift annuitants live FOREVER… EVER… EVER (the cave echo continues)

Join us for this free CGA Back-to-the-Basics webinar by Bryan Clontz, Ph.D., CFP®, CAP® and Mike Carey, VP of National Gift Annuity Foundation.


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