Santa Delivers Secure Act 2.0: QCDs to CRTs and CGAs

Our inaugural 2023 webinar will cover one of the newest opportunities in planned giving:  qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) for life income gifts (CRTs and CGAs).  We will cover the new rules, open questions, practical considerations, and case study opportunities.


This webinar will prepare you to:

  • Advocate to internal management why the time is NOW to market these new opportunities;
  • Discuss tax implications to internal and external constituencies;
  • Discuss practical considerations of these donations;
  • Review the target donor market;
  • Discuss a number of open questions;


​​​​​​​This new law has been pushed for more than a decade by both the National Association of Gift Planners (CGP) and the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA).  Editorial note:  When you wonder what value you get by joining these national organizations, this is major benefit #24… join both groups for their research, advocacy, conferences, networking and POLITICAL ACTION!!!
Laws defining DAFs, outright QCDs and NOW QCDs for life-income donations don’t just appear out of thin air.  They are a years-long result of tireless focused national efforts, lobbying (which costs money) and major time commitments by volunteers/staff.  I would pay dues for 30 years to both organizations (which I have by the way) for this one result alone so join or renew your memberships today!
Please watch the recording of our webinar featuring Bryan Clontz Ph.D., CFP®, AEP®, CAP®, Russ Willis, JD, LLM and Johnne Syverson, CFP®, AEP®, CAP®.

Past Webinar Recordings (