Charitable Gifts of LLCs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Just when you thought you knew how to donate an LLC interest, here comes all the permutations and complexity.  I was so impressed with Reynolds Cafferata’s presentation on this topic at the national CGP conference last year, I was so glad when he agreed to reprise the talk for our May webinar.  This presentation discusses the wide range of uses of limited liability companies (“LLCs”) and how LLCs can be accepted and used in gift planning.  Learn about the diligence that needs to be performed on a proposed gift of an LLC and how donors use LLCs to support their philanthropy.

Attendees will learn:

  • How LLCs are used in the charitable planning space from the donor and donee perspective;
  • Tax implications and challenges;
  • Passive/active interests and LLCs electing to be C-Corps, partnerships or S-Corps;
  • Issues/due diligence related to the operating agreement; and,
  • Practical uses of LLCs from the safe harbor to the bleeding edge.

Please review the recording of the webinar featuring Reynolds Cafferata, JD ( and Bryan Clontz, Ph.D., CFP®, AEP®, CAP®.

Past Webinar Recordings (