Noncash Record Year ALREADY! Deconstructing Trends, Themes and Interesting Gifts

I had the pleasure of celebrating my 27th year of gift planning in 2021 and I have never experienced anything like the flow of new noncash gifts, trending now.  Even amid the pandemic, donors had/have dozens of very rationale reasons not to give, yet last year set records across the board.  And this year looks to be another record giving year!  On the noncash front, I just hired three new staff last week to keep up with the pace, bringing our Charitable Solutions, LLC team to 20.

Last year, we completed 100 donations valued at $412 million.  We have already exceeded that record for transactions and value through the 3rd quarter, and typically complete half our annual gifts in the last 90 days.

I recently attended the CGP national conference, and I was asked a recurring set of questions: n

  • What kinds of macro trends are you seeing?
  • What are the key themes driving the volume?
  • And, what are some of the more recent interesting gifts?

So, you guessed it, I will answer these questions (plus some) during this October webinar.

Attendees will see/learn:

  • An actual breakdown of every noncash gift we have received YTD.
  • What is driving the noncash volume?
  • Four case studies of the most interesting gifts so far this year.
  • What trends we see for year-end and for 2022?

Please watch the recording of our webinar featuring Bryan Clontz, Ph.D., CFP®, CAP®, AEP®

Past Webinar Recordings (