Newsletter/Blog Posts

Crypto is Backo: Charitable Planning with Outright Gifts, DAFs and CGAs/CRTs

April 3, 2024
photo of gold bit coin

Spring (and crypto) has officially sprung!  We always try to be timely, so with Bitcoin recently crossing a record $70K/token (and a lot of other…

DEBT:  The Four Letter Word of Noncash Transactions

March 12, 2024
Hands over a plant growing from a pile of coins

I would rather hear ANY four letter word than D.E.B.T. when discussing a noncash transaction.  And a little known fact, Aretha Franklin’s original song line…

New & Improved with 10% More:  An Overview of Our Charitable Gifts of Noncash Assets Book 3rd Edition

February 9, 2024

You asked for an upgraded sugar-free and gluten-free noncash asset resource and we have answered the call.  I know what you are thinking: “Why couldn’t…

One Shoe Dropping: IRS is Finally Stepping into the Donor Advised Fund Space

January 15, 2024

After 17 years of near silence, IRS has finally begun to issue proposed regulations interpreting and implementing legislation enacted in 2006 to “improve accountability” of donor advised…

Slippery Slopes: Should Donor Advised Funds Grant To or Receive Contributions From Hate/Discriminatory/Mission-Antithetical Groups?

November 10, 2023

If you don’t operate a donor advised fund, the answer is a millisecond, “Of course not!”  If you do operate a donor advised fund, these…

Creative Year-End Charitable Gift Annuity Marketing Ideas

October 5, 2023

Are you looking to reinvigorate your Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) marketing strategies as the year comes to an end?  Whether your organization has its own…

Real Estate Investment to Real Estate Impact: Utilizing Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) as a Charitable Giving Option

September 6, 2023

You may be familiar with the concept of donating real estate to maximize charitable giving potential, but have you considered what may be a more…

Unique Donor Investment Options: Concentrated Positions and Direct PE/Real Estate Investments in DAFs, SOs and LLCs

July 23, 2023

A few years ago, we began getting approached by donors, advisors, and other charities with an unusual question – if a donor gave us cash,…

Extreme Noncash Concentration in 2021 (New Research Report Released 7/23): The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same!

July 17, 2023

Five years ago, our team conducted a 990 review on 2016-2017 noncash activity for the largest 100 charities nationally.  We were beyond shocked at how…

Top Ten Noncash Post-Gift Considerations and Conundrums

June 20, 2023

The gift plan design, due diligence, ownership transfer is complete and the written acknowledgment is delivered to finalize the gift over the goal line… congratulations!!! …

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