Everything You Need to Know about the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) Designation

Since starting this webinar series, I have enjoyed writing and speaking about timely tax issues, unique gift transactions or hot asset classes. This month, I want to talk about “sharpening the saw” by embarking on a CAP® designation. Even if you have already earned it, you now have 2,300 fellow CAP alumni!

This session will provide the current status and future vision for the program. I am honored to have served on the CAP Advisory Board since 2001 and we just received the most amazing YTD activity report. While we have seen multiple rocket missions in the last 30 days, the CAP designation has also experienced escape velocity in achieving its mission of inspiring for-profit and non-profit gift planners to ask the right questions at the right time and in the right way. They are helping their donors/clients give more than they ever thought possible, leave more impactful legacies to their communities and follow their passions while becoming the go-to charitable planning "sherpas" for their firm/charity.

Webinar attendees will learn:

  • CAP history, funders and original vision
  • CAP curriculum
  • CAP alumni, study groups
  • CAP growth and impact by the numbers (including the Omaha report)
  • CAP faculty, new activities and current vision

If you act within 30 minutes of receiving this email (or any other time before or after the webinar!), attendees will receive a bonus gift… a 440-page gluten/sugar/carb-free pdf book on Charitable Gifts of Noncash Assets covering 17 different asset types. If it isn’t cash or marketable securities, it is in this book. This resource was funded by the CAP program and generous donor as a course supplement.

Please watch the recording of the webinar featuring Phil Cubeta, Dien Yuen, Donna Bandelloni, Tim Belber and Bryan Clontz, Ph.D., CFP®, CAP®.

Past Webinar Recordings (charitablesolutionsllc.com/webinars)